Layaways Report Overview

The Layaways report lists layaway details for the specified parameters.  

For more about report filters and settings, see the section entitled Creating a Report

Filter fields for the Layaway report include:

Only include layaways for customers

Returns layaway records for the specified customers.

Only include layaways that were started

Returns layaway records for the specified start dates.

Only include payments up to and including

Exclude payments after the specified date.

Only include layaways with no activity on or after


Returns layaway records that have had no activity for the specified date range.

When this option is checked, it will group your results by Store if you have selected multiple stores. 

Include Item Details

In the report, include details of the items put on layaway.

Include Closed Layaways

In the report, include layaways that have been picked up or canceled.

Treat Zero-Balance Layaways as Closed

In the report, consider layaways that have no outstanding balance to be closed.

Data fields in the Layaway report results include:


The customer’s name and ID number.

Layaway #

The layaway ID number.

Item #

The ID number of the item on layaway.

Start Date

Date the item was put on layaway.


Date the item was picked up or canceled.

Total Amount

Total amount of the purchase.


The price of the item on layaway.


The tax calculated on the whole order.


The tax on the price of the item on layaway.


The amount put down as an initial deposit. An asterisk in this column means the order was partially picked up or canceled; payments and deposits may have been partially applied to the items that were picked up or canceled; therefore, the other numbers might not add up.


A description of the item on layaway.


A list of payments made on the layaway.

Most Recent Payment

The most recent payment amount and date.

Total on Account

The total paid toward the item.

Total Due

The total still to be paid before the item can be picked up.


Updated on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 by Angela Chiaravalle

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