Job Breakdown Report Overview

The Job Breakdown report details the cost of parts and labor for service jobs in Edge.  A useful feature of this report is the variety of grouping options available.

A new Group/Sort option was added beginning with Edge version 24.1 that allows you to now group results by Repair SKU.

repair breakdown


Data fields in the Job Breakdown report include:

Task #

The task within a repair to be detailed.


A description of the task.

Cost Parts

The cost of parts to the store.

Cost Labor

The cost of labor to the store.

Cost Other

Other costs of the repair to the store.

Cost Total

The total cost of the repair.

Price Parts

The price charged to the customer for the parts.

Price Labor

The price charged to the customer for labor.

Price Other

The price charged to the customer for other costs to the store.

Price Total

The total price of the task to the customer.


Updated on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 by Angela Chiaravalle

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